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{{#*inline "address-title"}} Adresse {{/inline}} {{#*inline "phone-number-title"}} Telefonnummer {{/inline}} {{>address-title}} {{data.hcp.fullName}}{{data.address.addrLine1}}{{data.address.addrLine2}}{{}}, {{data.address.state}}{{data.address.postalCode}} {{>phone-number-title}} {{data.hcp.formattedPhoneNumber}}
Zusammenfassung {{#*inline "empty-cart-text" "Empty Cart Text"}} Ihr Warenkorb ist leer. {{/inline}} {{#compare data.totalCount 0}} {{>empty-cart-text}} {{/compare}}
{{#*inline "edit-button-label" "Edit Button Label"}} Bearbeiten {{/inline}} {{#*inline "materials-header-text" "Materials Header Text"}} Warenkorb {{/inline}} {{>materials-header-text}} ({{data.totalCount}}) {{#each data.groups}}
{{}}: {{this.count}}
{{#compare @last false}} {{/compare}} {{/each}}
Jetzt bestellen​Weitere Materialien hinzufügen
{{#*inline "close-button-label" "Close Button Label"}} Schließen {{/inline}} {{#*inline "take-to-cart-text" "Take To Cart Text"}} Ja, zum Bestellvorgang. {{/inline}} {{#*inline "return-to-home-text" "Return To Home Text"}} Nein, zurück zur Startseite. {{/inline}} {{#*inline "return-to-home-label" "Return To Home Label"}} Zurück zur Startseite {{/inline}} {{#if data.getCartCounts.materialsCount}} {{#if data.getEditModalMaterialCartItems}} {{>close-button-label}} {{else}} {{>take-to-cart-text}} {{>return-to-home-text}} {{/if}} {{else}} {{>return-to-home-label}} {{/if}} {{#*inline "quantity-label" "Quantity Label"}} Anzahl {{/inline}} {{#*inline "remove-label" "Remove Button Label"}} Entfernen {{/inline}} {{#*inline "continue-checkout-header" "Continue Checkout Header"}} Mit der Bestellung fortfahren? {{/inline}} {{#*inline "continue-checkout-message" "Continue Checkout Message"}} Aktuell befinden sich noch Materialien in Ihrem Warenkorb. Möchten Sie mit dem Bestellabschluss fortfahren? {{/inline}} {{#*inline "empty-cart-header" "Empty Cart Header"}} Ihr Warenkorb ist leer. {{/inline}} {{#*inline "empty-cart-text" "Empty Cart Text"}} Ihr Warenkorb ist leer.Bitte wählen Sie aus den zur Verfügung stehenden {{/inline}} {{#*inline "and-text" "And Text"}} und {{/inline}} {{#*inline "available-text" "Available Text"}} aus. {{/inline}} {{#*inline "materials-link" "Materials Link"}} inhaltsübersicht/materialien {{/inline}} {{#*inline "materials-text" "Materials Text"}} Servicematerial {{/inline}} {{#*inline "view-product-information-text" "View Product Information Text"}} Materialinformationen ansehen {{/inline}} {{#if data.getCartCounts.materialsCount}} {{#if data.getEditModalMaterialCartItems}} {{#each data.getEditModalMaterialCartItems}}
{{}} {{#if this.meta.productInformation}} {{> view-product-information-text}} {{/if}}
{{#each this.materials}}
{{>remove-label}} {{#compare @last false}} {{/compare}} {{/each}}
{{#compare @last false}} {{/compare}} {{/each}} {{else}} {{>continue-checkout-header}} {{>continue-checkout-message}} {{/if}} {{else}} {{>empty-cart-header}}
{{>empty-cart-text}} Materialien {{>available-text}}

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PP-PFE-GBR-3859. November 2021